曾繁光 Tsang Fan Kwong |
1. |
關愛與支持 Caring and supportive relationship within and outside family |
2. |
愛與信任 Love and trust |
3. |
典範依循 Role models |
4. |
鼓勵與肯定 Encouragement and reassurance |
5. |
作出現實的計劃並將之變作事實 Able to make realistic plans and take steps to carry them out |
6. |
肯定自己的能力 Positive view of the ourselves and be confident in our strengths and abilities |
7. |
溝通與解難技巧 Skills in communication and problem solving |
8. |
管理激動的情緒 Able to manage strong feelings and emotions |
抗逆十八式 |
1. |
面對現實 To face |
2. |
盡快回到生活常軌 Back to normal tract |
3. |
不要單打獨鬥 Don’t withdraw yourself |
4. |
維持家庭及社交聯繫 Be connected |
5. |
管理激動的情緒 Manage your emotion |
6. |
別視危機為不可逆轉 Avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems |
7. |
讓事情在正確位置 Keep things in perspective |
8. |
接受變幻為人生常理 Accept change is part of living |
9. |
向目標邁進 Move towards our goals |
10. |
當機立斷 Take decisive actions and do not expect the problem would go away by itself |
11. |
掌握發現自己的契機 Look for opportunities for self discovery |
12. |
保持正向 Be optimistic |
13. |
相信自己相信別人 Trust yourself and others |
14. |
保持樂觀與希望 Be optimistic and maintain hope |
15. |
好好照顧自己 Take good care of yourself |
16. |
從昔日找靈感 Learning from past experiences |
17. |
有彈性易適應 Be flexible |
18. |
謙卑與求助 Be humble and seek help |